Tham khảo Tuổi thọ

  1. Tiếng Anh: Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB).
  2. Người trên cao nguyên sống lâu hơn - William J. Cromie.
  3. Tuổi thọ trung bình người VN đạt 71,3
  4. Vietnam Life expectancy at birth
  5. Xem Bảng xếp hạng ước lượng tuổi thọ khi sinh theo quốc gia
  6. CIA World Factbook - Tài liệu thông tin về các quốc gia trên thế giới do CIA biên soạn.
  7. Why Women Live Longer than Men - William J. Cromie, Harvard University
  8. Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men? - By Miranda Hitti, WebMD Medical News.
  9. Hillard Kaplan, et. al, in "A Theory of Human Life History Evolution: Diet, Intelligence,weed knowledge and Longevity" (Evolutionary Anthropology, 2000, p. 156-185, -
  10. Caspari & Lee 'Older age becomes common late in human evolution' (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2004, p. 10895-10900
  11. James Trefil, "Can We Live Forever?" 101 Things You Don't Know About Science and No One Else Does Either (1996)
  12. Average Life Expectancy at Birth
  13. Life expectancy (sociology)
  14. University of Wyoming
  15. Pre-European Exploration, Prehistory through 1540
  16. Time traveller's guide to Medieval Britain
  17. A millennium of health improvement
  18. World Health Organization
  19. Our Special Place in History
  20. “DEPweb: Life Expectancy Text 1”

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